Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up and START your engines! We are about to race our way through the best go-karts in Pigeon Forge based on uniqueness, speed, and, FUN! Many of these featured attractions offer a variety of activities other than go-karts, however we will wait and cover those details in future blogs!

Rockin’ Raceway – Fastest Slick Track!

Rockin’ Raceway definitely scores major points in the uniqueness department. This track gives you a one-of-a-kind experience as you zip around the fastest slick track in the Smokies inside of a GIANT Jukebox! Rockin’ Raceway allows racers to drift around hairpin turns on a thrilling adventure accompanied by lots of music and even more excitement! Hop in, crank up that volume, and race to the finish at this Rockin’ attraction!

The Track – Most Variety!

The Track is a fan favorite in Pigeon Forge because it offers multiple tracks created for a variety of demographics! The most popular track is called “Wild Woody” which is an elevated multi-level track that consists of three and a half stories of exhilarating twists and turns! They also have a family track which features a classic figure eight design that can accommodate single and double riders. Lastly, The Track offers two more tracks for the younger riders so they can experience a little independence while parents can breathe easy knowing their little ones are safe!

Adventure Raceway – Best Value!

Adventure Raceway is an elevated three-story track that offers one of the longest lasting rides in the Smokies! This track is great for adrenaline junkies because it features exciting bumps, thrilling hills, and corkscrew turns to challenge expert and rookie riders alike. If you want the best bang for your buck, Adventure Raceway offers this action-packed ride for a little over six dollars a ticket!

Blake Jones Racing Center – Rainy Day Approved!

Blake Jones Racing Center boasts the most exciting figure eight slick track in the area and strives to give single and double riders a real race experience like no other! This attraction offers the only indoor track in the Smokies, making it perfect for days when the weather isn’t cooperating. If you’ve got a need for speed and enjoy all things NASCAR, Blake Jones Racing Center is definitely the place for you!  

Xtreme Racing Center – Fastest Karts in Pigeon Forge!

Xtreme Racing Center utilizes high-speed European race karts, boasting the fastest karts in Pigeon Forge! The center consists of three exciting courses on two state-of-the-art tracks. Riders can race their way through a 3,500 linear foot track or test their skills on a 1,500-foot elevated track of twists and turns. The linear Xtreme track is made up of two courses filled with speedy straightaways and hairpin turns. The Elevated track is a thrilling smooth paved track allowing riders to zip passed their friends and family on a whirlwind race to the finish!  

Are you as anxious as we are to satisfy a new found need for speed? Do you agree with our picks for the best Go-Karts in Pigeon Forge? Shoot us an email to to leave us any feedback or to request any future blogs. Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to be notified when new blogs are posted.